
July 2006
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Don’t Drive Tired

Last night I went to play the tournament at The Orleans.  This wasn’t a great idea as I was still very tired and it’s a large field tournament.  In fact I don’t know exactly how many players there were as the screens were out of action but at $45 to enter, $20 rebuys and over $4000 for first place, there were probably 150-200 runners.

I really only did this because I needed to stay awake to try and adjust so I could sleep a little bit later and not be falling asleep if I survive past the first few hours in my WSOP event today.  It kinda worked, because I slept right through to 5.30am today!

However last night I just wasn’t in a good state to be playing.  The flops looked blurred and I just wasn’t concentrating well.  Somehow (a one-card flush with QQ helped me to beat the mighty KJ after it made top pair) I hung on until there were about 60 left when most people were playing with very short stacks.

This was not an enjoyable tournament (although it probably would have been if I was alert, even with the gobby Hawaiian woman to my right, for whom everything in life seemed to be wrong), but hopefully it has helped me to kick the jet lag much better than staying in and snoozing in front of a movie would have done, plus I got the chance to play like a donkey when it didn’t matter quite so much as it will later today.  I knew it wouldn’t be easy – the Orleans is one of the toughest card rooms in town – but it was nice to get back in the saddle.

I’m leaving shortly – gl me 🙂